Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Our One Year Old!

Oh my gosh! Where does time go?? Mary is now 13 months old, and becoming a little toddler before our eyes. It's surreal to remember this time last year. Squishy little newborn Mary was carted all over the place last fall while we shuttled the girls to school. Things are different this year with a wiggly, and much chunkier! one-year-old in tow. She's being schlepped in her stroller now, which she loves. She props her feet up like she's our little princess.

I mean..she is, but she doesn't need to be so cocky about it.

In other transportation news, she's got a few other modes. She loves the little scooter Grandma and Grandpa gave her for her birthday, and especially loves being pushed by a big sister.  She's also mastered the stairs, which is a frequent source of frustration.  A baby gate for the bottom of the stairs goes up tomorrow, thankfully!

Another favorite is our trusty little pink car in the backyard.  When she's very lucky, we set her loose out there.  You can tell from expression that she thinks she's getting away with something! Of course she loves being pushed by a big sister in there, too!

She also has a new (and very retro) toy on loan from our neighbors.  It's arrival elicited a lot of excitement from Mary, and she got right to work playing peek-a-boo with it, and pushing it.

She can now stand for a second or two at a time, and I think walking will happen within the next couple of weeks.  I'm afraid she's been hindered a little in this department because she gets carried and strolled around so much!  But, each of the girls walked between 12 and 13 months, so she's not too far off the Stecher curve :)  She still manages to get around wherever she wants to go.  Here she is in a rare caged moment in her crib, which seems to be the only place she can be contained!  Toddler beds, bunk bed ladders, kitchen chairs and coffee tables are all fair game otherwise!

She's always a fan of meal times, and she continues to eat nearly anything we put in front of her.  Favorites include bananas, strawberries, mac and cheese, anything with hamburger in it, all kinds of rice, and now milk in a sippy cup!  Luckily, she never experienced a bottle and took right to the sippy cup for both water and milk.  Now we just need to keep her from throwing it on the floor!  The girls argue constantly about who gets to sit next to her, or who sat next to her last time.  I hate that they argue about this, but I love that they adore her so much.  This is one popular baby, holding court in her high chair!

She also tried real oatmeal (not the baby variety) for the first time, and she loved it!  This is a first for our kids, so maybe the other girls will want to be like Mary and follow suit now.  This oatmeal loving mommy sure hopes so!  And look at those teeth!  She has now has four on top, two on the bottom in the middle, one molar on the bottom left and the right molar making it's way in.  Not that we'd ever know.  Besides the fact that she still wakes up in the middle of the night to nurse once, she doesn't act like she's in any kind of teething pain.  Fifth babies must be hardwired to be easy :)

Hey, cute little Mary!  You sure bring us lots of giggles and fun.  Don't grow up too fast, though, okay?  Thanks!

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