Monday, May 21, 2012

Miss Mary at 9 Months

Mary's first year is flying by. She's now 9 months old (almost 10!), and she started crawling just shy of her 9 month birthday. She can wiggle like a little inchworm from one end of the room to another, most notably to reach for the iPad, of course!

She continues to be the happiest, easiest baby. She's content with her sisterly entertainment, and she eats whatever we put in front of her. Favorites are vegetables at the moment (green beans and carrots are preferred over even the yummist-looking fruit concoctions - go figure) and she drinks water out of a sippy cup like a pro.

She gets her exercise rotating between her little car and her jumperoo, wiggling out of her sisters' arms, dragging herself from one end of the house to the other, and hanging on to my hip like a little monkey :) She is extremely ticklish on her feet and neck, and has the cutest little laugh. She also started saying "Mama" this month, which I hate to admit came after mastering "Dedda."

Even at the ripe old age of nine months, she's still small enough to pass out on my lap in a milk coma,

or stay asleep on my shoulder.

Both of those activities are all that much sweeter as she gets older!

As the fifth child, she doesn't always get tended to at her first cry, her diaper stays wet a little longer than Megan's ever did, she doesn't sport brand new clothes every day, and she doesn't get all of Mommy's or Daddy's attention, but she is almost always smiling!! I figure life can't be too rough for her! Sitting at Matt's baseball games this season, I get the chance to chat with many the high school mom, and I've learned this about Mary, that I never considered: When all of our other little girls have gone off to college (God willing!), we'll have two years with Mary as an only child in the house! She'll be showered with attention then, and maybe we'll make up for the divided attention she's receiving these days. So, Mary, watch out, we are going to be all over you in about 14 years! For now, this craziness will have to do!

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